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■ Dear clients! In order to receive verification codes from Telegram as SMS, on any number of any country YOU MUST USE MOBILE TELEGRAM APPLICATION! If you don't have such a possibility, please write us a ticket with request to help with registration. We do it for free!

Terms of Service

Virtualsim.net Terms of Service

This Agreement comes into effect between Virtualsim.net (The Service, We, Our Service, Here) and those who use it to order phone numbers for web services SMS verifications (Clients, You). By creating an account Here You agree to comply with this Agreement.

1. Privacy Policy of The Service is described in Our Privacy Policy page

2. Availability and usage conditions

2.1. The Service is available worldwide except ASEAN countries and China.

2.2. By using The Service, You confirm that you are of legal age for your country/territory and that usage of third party phone numbers for SMS verifications is not illegal in your country/territory.

2.3. In case of legal claims, related to usage of our phone numbers for registering web services accounts for illegal activity, or the case, described in Paragraph 2.2, happened, we reserve the right to disclose Client's information by court order, as it described in Paragraph 4 of our Privacy Policy.

3. Limited liability of The Service

3.1. The Service is not liable to any consequences caused by third party actions or force majeure events, including, but not limited to cellular operators' actions against phone numbers We possess, failures of SMS sending, relaying and delivery services related to web services you are registering, governmental actions against The Service by any reason.

As a part of Fair Service Provider Policy, we may, but not obliged, partially or fully refund or replace the phone numbers affected.

3.2. The Service is not liable for any Clients' actions performed in any third-party web services' accounts verified by SMS using our phone numbers. The Service does not and can not control or monitor the content of Clients' accounts by the nature of the service We provide.

3.3. The Service is not obliged for free replacement of phone numbers which had been blocked by web services because of Client's breach of services' Terms and Conditions. Replacement fee equal to one-time SMS session is applied for such cases.

3.4. The Service is not obliged for free replacement of phone numbers which had been blocked instantly by web services because of improper registration/verification, i.e., usage of compromised IP addresses (TOR, public proxies or VPN etc), non-compliance with services' security requirements (country of phone number and IP address mismatch, Android emulators usage, compromised devices usage), depends on the service.

As a part of Fair Service Provider Policy, We usually, but not necessary, provide replacement, though fee equal to one-time SMS session is applied if the replacement incurs losses to Us, like spoiled SIM card cost for some popular services.

We also encourage You to consult Us in such cases, and may register service for you (applicable to Telegram, at least).

4. Refund Policy

4.1. Funds deposited to Your balance can be returned on Your demand. Transaction fee might be deducted if reasonable. Refund timing is from right away to one day.

4.2. Refund is not applicable or limited in cases of no liability, described in pp.3, 3.1-3.4. In case of Paragraph 2.4, refund is not applicable for the numbers involved in legal claims, or for the whole account, depends on the situation.

4.3. The fee is not charged if service provision was not completed because SMS were not delivered.

4.4. In case of phone number rejection by the target web service, number will be replaced for free until registration succeed or refund will be made.

4.5. Pricing plans transition and service cancellation might be processed by mutual agreement between The Service and Client.

5. Fair Service Provider Policy

5.1. Despite many factors that might influent on the quality of service, We are doing our best to provide the service at possibly highest quality. In any disputable case we stand for its resolution to the benefit of Client.

6. Other provisions

6.1. Worktime, conditions of pricing plans, available countries and phone numbers are the subject of announces and descriptions made on respective parts of the site.

6.2. This Agreement might be altered if necessary; announce will be made on the main page of this website.