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Admin in chat  11-15 GMT (ex.SA)  WAIT 2401
Full service  11-19 GMT (SA:15-)  WAIT 0401
Extended plan  07-23 GMT  WORK 1201
New orders only  Additional time  WORK 0801
■ Numbers of CAMBODIA are (temporarily) can not be connected to the network. Awaiting for the fix
■ Dear clients! In order to receive verification codes from Telegram as SMS, on any number of any country YOU MUST USE MOBILE TELEGRAM APPLICATION! If you don't have such a possibility, please write us a ticket with request to help with registration. We do it for free!

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if not found in list

  1. If the service you want to register is not in both of the lists (Ordinal and Business), you can add it here.
  2. Administrator or Operator on Duty will review your submission and add service to the list if relevant.
  3. If you have an account here, you will get the answer on TICKETS PAGE
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