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Admin in chat  10-14 GMT (ex.SA)  WAIT 0835
Full service  10-18 GMT (SA:14-)  WAIT 0835
New orders only  Additional time  WAIT 0835
■ Dear clients! In order to receive verification codes from Telegram as SMS, on any number of any country YOU MUST USE MOBILE TELEGRAM APPLICATION! If you don't have such a possibility, please write us a ticket with request to help with registration. We do it for free!

Cookies usage policy

VirtualSIM Cookies usage policy

If you don't intend to log in, create an order or leave a feedback, there are no cookies used.

Cookies are used in the following cases:

1. CAPTCHA on Sign up and Create Order pages
Random number (PHPSESSID) is used to pass you through "not-a-robot" verification process. It is not assosicated with you or stored anywhere, and removed when you close your browser.

2. When you log in using your correct login and password
Two cookies, user and seed, are created. They have your login name and specifically encrypted password information, respectively. Cookies have one week validity period or deleted when you log out using the "Exit" button.

3. Google reCaptcha is used on "Feedback" page and covered by Google Privacy Policy.

As a healthy security measure, you should set up your browser to "delete cookies on exit", therefore, you will avoid all the Big Brothers and Sisters privacy threats.